Thursday, April 26, 2012

Memories Of St. Maarten

Yesterday and today are my days off before I begin another 8 days of work in a row. I had big plans for yesterday. Plans that consisted of laundry, blogging, errands, blogging and starting a project of cleaning out my closet and packing clothes I won't be using in the next few months away.

Yesterday was suppose to be a chilly rainy day. Not unusual for my day off. It seems all of my scheduled days off though the month of March fell on rainy days. No big deal, like I said, I had big plans of being productive. 

Instead, this is what happened yesterday.

The predicted rainy day turned into a beautiful clear, hot 75 degree day. I dropped everything and headed outside to the beach. 

It was a pretty big deal because its been about a week since I've seen the sun. On the beaches of Southern California we have what you call May Grey, June Gloom. The sun doesn't come out on the coast for a couple of months. Straight. The coast is covered in a marine layer and literally half a mile in the sun will be shining. May Grey seemed to make an early appearance last week.

It looked like this every day since my mom left last week!

Anyway, I got a little toasted in the sun yesterday. 

Today I am guest posting for Katie over at Priceless Adventure. Katie is living a Caribbean dream right now. She lives in Dominica. Pretty cool. She's on a mini vacation to St. Maarten and she asked me to guest post about my St. Maarten adventures and experiences. If you are dying to hear about my travels to St. Maarten, go check out my guest post and her blog!
Katie also designed my blog. She also made the little banner you see above. If you like her work, you should check out her design website. She's pretty talented!

My skin almost feels like I spent some time in St. Maarten myself so I am off to find some aloe!

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