Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Meet My Kitty

A lot of people/bloggers have fur babies that are dogs. My fur baby is my cat, Buttwheat. Yes, Buttwheat. I am way more of a cat person than I am a dog person.

My baby lives at home in Michigan with my parents. Although I love her to death, she loves my parents more than me.

She is like a child in our home and to some extent she replaced me as a daughter. She has so much character and I don't know what my parents would do without her. My baby isn't so much a baby anymore, she is something around 20 years old!

I can't wait until I settle down someday (soon) and can get my own little kitty that will live with me. I think when I move back to Michigan that will be the first thing on my agenda.

And now I leave you with some pictures of my fur baby!

She was playing with my iPhone. So intrigued. 

Where she hangs most of the time, in front of the fire. 

Little princess on my mom's bed.


Crystal said...

Awwww so cute! I'm defiantly more of a cat person than a dog person too.

Amanda said...

So so so cute! I love the picture of her playing with the iPhone!

henning love said...

hahah buttwheat that is hilarious, i have to hear the story of how your car got that name. and whether a dog or cat, furbabies bring so much joy in our lives